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eGovernment as an European challenges for the public administration in Poland

Prof. in charge

Sławomir Dudzik, Monika Kawczyńska, Inga Kawka, Łukasz Kozera, Małgorzata Kożuch, Monika Niedźwiedź, Monika Skowrońska, Aleksandra Sołtysińska, Renata Śliwa


  • Lecture
  • Training course
  • Distance learning course

Unit 1 European public administration in digital age

Sławomir Dudzik

9h Lecture or distance learning course


Providing students with basic knowledge enabling analyzing problems related to European public administration, Europeanization of national administration and the resulting digitization of its functioning.

Objectives, students:

  • develop knowledge and understanding about the functioning of European public administration,
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the impact of the EU on national public administration,
  • develop skills to undertake activities thorough analysis of the legal basis of Europeanisation of Polish administration and its digitalisation.


  1. Concept of administration
  2. Definition of European administration
  3. European administration as a network (collaborative administration)
  4. European Administrative Space
  5. Europeanization of national administration
  6. Impact of the EU on the digitization of national administration

Required textbooks:

  1. Dudzik S., Kawka I., Przekształcenia ustroju administracji publicznej w Polsce pod wpływem prawa Unii Europejskiej (Transformation of the public administration system in Poland due to European Union law), in: Europeizacja prawa administracyjnego. System prawa administracyjnego. Vol. 3, R. Hauser, Z. Niewiadomski, A. Wróbel (eds.), C.H. Beck, Warsaw, p. 491-553.
  2. Lipowicz, I. (ed.) Europeizacja administracji publicznej [Europeanization of public administration], Warszawa 2008.
  3. Superat J., Administracja Unii Europejskiej. Zagadnienia wybrane [Administration of the European Union. Selected issues], Wrocław 2013.
  4. M. Dyl; A. Paczkowska-Tomaszewska; R. Stankiewicz; M. Wierzbowski, Zarys systemu podmiotów administrujących w Unii Europejskiej [An outline of the system of administrative entities in the European Union], in: System prawa administracyjnego, Vol. 6 , R. Hauser, Z. Niewiadomski, A. Wróbel (eds.), C.H. Beck, Warsaw, 2012.


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 2 Digital Public Services

Inga Kawka

6h Lecture or distance learning course, 3h training course


enhance/foster/develop enable students competence towards analysing the impact of new technologies on the provision of public services.

Objectives, students:

  • develop knowledge and understanding about the digitalisation of public services in Poland,
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the impact of EU on development of digital public services in Poland,
  • develop skills to undertake activities thorough analysis of a selected decisions in presented cases,
  • develop skills to communicate understanding of the functioning of national administration in the digital world,
  • value and appreciate the opportunity to contribute and share one’s own perspective on the EU angle in the domain of eGovernment.


  1. Citizen-Centric Digital Government
  2. e-Health
  3. e-Social care,
  4. e-Education,
  5. e-Citizen protection,
  6. Smart cities.

Required textbooks:

  1. Charalabidis Y., Interoperability in Digital Public Services and Administration: Bridging E-Government and E-Business, IGI Global 2010, pp. 456.
  2. Larsson A., Teigland R., Digital Transformation and Public Services (Open Access): Societal Impacts in Sweden and Beyond, Routledge 2019, pp. 354.
  3. Szymanowski W., Uwarunkowania tworzenia jednolitego rynku usług cyfrowych w Unii Europejskiej (Conditions of the Single Market of Digital Services in the European Union), Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio H Oeconomia, 2016 (2).
  4. Veit D., Huntgeburth J., Foundations of Digital Government: Leading and Managing in the Digital Era, Springer Science & Business Media 2013, pp. 158.


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 3 Electronic Access to Public Sector Information

Monika Kawczyńska

5 h Lecture or distance learning course, 4 h training course


Improving students' competences in the area of electronic access public sector information (PSI).

Objectives, students:

  • obtaining knowledge on digitalization of public services, in particular in the area of electronic access public sector information (PSI);
  • obtaining knowledge on the influence of the EU law on the development of digital public services in Poland,
  • developing the ability to take action through careful analysis of selected decisions in the presented cases,
  • developing communication skills in understanding the functioning of state administration in the digital world,
  • identifying websites offering access to public information in Poland and the EU
  • contribute to and share own viewpoint on eGovernment.


  1. Access to public-sector information (PSI) in Poland and the EU
  2. European legislation on open data and the re-use of public sector information: PSI Directive (Directive 2003/98/EC) and Open Data Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1024)
  3. Polish legislation on open data and the re-use of public sector information: Act of 25 February 2016 on the re-use of public sector information
  4. Practical issues regarding the access to public-sector information by citizens: ministries, state agencies and municipalities, organisations funded by or under the control of public authorities, museums, libraries and archives.
  5. Identifying the “high value datasets” - geospatial, Earth observation and environment, meteorological, statistics, companies and company ownership.
  6. The economic aspects of the re-use of information and access to information by citizens.
  7. Identifying websites offering access to public information in Poland and the EU (e.g. Open Data Portal, European Data Portal,,

Required textbooks:

  1. Cerrillo‐i‐Martínez, A. (2012), Reuse of Public Sector Information in Europe. European Law Journal, 18: 770-792.
  2. Bastiaan van Loenen, Michel Grothe, INSPIRE Empowers Re-Use of Public Sector Information, International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 2014, Vol.9, 86-106
  3. Ugo Pagallo, Eleonora Bassi, Open Data Protection: Challenges, Perspectives, and Tools for the Reuse of PSI, Digital Enlightenment Yearbook 2013, p. 179 – 189.
  4. Michael Blakemore & Max Craglia (2006) Access to Public-Sector Information in Europe: Policy, Rights, and Obligations, The Information Society, 22:1, 13-24
  5. Katleen Janssen, Jos Dumortier, Towards a European Framework for the Re‐use of Public Sector Information: a Long and Winding Road, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Volume 11, Issue 2, SUMMER , Pages 184–201, 2003
  6. Aichholzer G. Electronic Access to Public Sector Information: Some Key Issues. In: Traunmüller R. (eds) Electronic Government. EGOV 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3183. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  7. Podręcznik „Ponowne wykorzystywanie informacji sektora publicznego” Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji 2016 r. [Handbook "Reuse of Public Sector Information" Ministry of Digitization 2016].


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 4 eGovernment and Cybersecurity

Monika Kawczyńska

5 h Lecture or distance learning course, 4 h training course


Increase students' competences in cyber threats and cybersecurity in the public sector.

Objectives, students:

  • obtaining knowledge on cyber threats and cybersecurity in the public sector;
  • obtaining knowledge on the influence of the EU law on the cybersecurity of digital public services in Poland,
  • developing the ability to take action through careful analysis of selected cases in cybersecurity
  • identifying and preventing the most common cyberthreats and cybercrimes
  • using incident reporting mechanisms


  1. Cybersecurity and cyber threats in the public sector in Poland and the EU
  2. European legislation on a cybersecurity: The Cybersecurity Act (Regulation 2019/88/EU), NIS Directive (Directive 2016/1148/EU)
  3. ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) as the EU cybersecurity agency
  4. Polish legislation on cybersecurity: The Act of 5 July 2018 on the National Cyber Security System; the role of key service providers, digital service providers, CSIRT MON, CSIRT NASK, CSIRT GOV and sectoral cyber security teams
  5. Polish National Cyber Security Strategy and National Framework of Cybersecurity Policy of The Republic of Poland for 2017-2022
  6. Identifying the most common types of cyber-attacks: The Denial of Service (DoS) Attack, the Inside Attack, Malware, Ransomware, Password Attacks, the Brute Force Attack, the Dictionary Attack, Key Logger Attack, Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack, Spam and Pishing.
  7. Preventing cyberattacks in public sector electronic systems - methods and safety measures in cyberspace.
  8. Cybersecurity in remote working during a pandemic.

Required textbooks:

  1. Kim J. Andreasson, Cybersecurity: Public Sector Threats and Responses, CRC Press, 2011, p. 392
  2. George Christou, Cybersecurity in the European Union, Resilience and Adaptability in Governance Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2016.
  3. Bernd W. Wirtz & Jan C. Weyerer (2017) Cyberterrorism and Cyber Attacks in the Public Sector: How Public Administration Copes with Digital Threats, International Journal of Public Administration, 40:13, 1085-1100
  4. Peter Berghmans & Karel Van Roy (2011) Information Security Risks in Enabling e-Government: The Impact of IT Vendors, Information Systems Management, 28:4, 284-293
  5. Paul Timmers (2018) The European Union’s cybersecurity industrial policy, Journal of Cyber Policy, 3:3, 363-384,
  6. Carrapico, Helena and Barrinha, André, The EU as a Coherent (Cyber)Security Actor? (November 2017). JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55, Issue 6, pp. 1254-1272, 2017.
  7. Cybersecurity A.D. 2018, Strategic and legal aspects of cybersecurity and emerging technologies,
  8. L. West, The Coronavirus Cybersecurity Survival Guide: Top Tips to Protect You from a Cyber Attack, 2020


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 5 e-Procurement

Aleksandra Sołtysińska

5h Lecture or distance learning course, 4h training course


enhance/foster/develop/enable students’ competence towards analysing the impact of new technologies on the provision of public procurement regulations.

Objectives, students:

  • develop knowledge and understanding about the e-Procurement in Poland and the European Union,
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the impact of the EU on development of e-Procurement in Poland,
  • develop skills to communicate understanding of the functioning of e-Procurement,
  • value and appreciate the opportunity to use electronic means of communication during public procurement proceedings.


  1. Electronic means of communication in public procurement.
  2. The obligation to communicate with economic operators using electronic means of communication, including exceptions.
  3. Electronic availability of procurement documents.
  4. Electronic standard forms in public procurement.
  5. E-catalogues and electronic auctions.
  6. Online repository of certificates (e-Certis) and national electronic databases.

Required textbooks:

  1. Sołtysińska A., Talago-Sławoj H., Europejskie prawo zamówień publicznych. Komentarz (European Public Procurement Law. Commentary) Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw, 2016, pp. 278-291, 451-457.
  2. Arrowsmith S., The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement, Sweet&Maxwell, Vol. 2, 2018, Chapter 19, pp. 603-692.
  3. Informatyzacja procedur udzielania zamówień publicznych (Computerization of public procurement procedures), editor Ryszard Szostak, pp. 290.


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 6 e-Customs

Monika Skowrońska

5h Lecture or distance learning course, 4h training course


enhance/foster/develop/enable students’ competence towards analysing the impact of new technologies on the provision of public procurement regulations.

Objectives, students:

  • develop knowledge and understanding about the e-Customs in Poland and the European Union,
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the impact of the EU on development of e-Customs in Poland,
  • develop skills to communicate understanding of the functioning of e-Customs,
  • value and appreciate the opportunity to use electronic means of communication during customs proceedings.


  1. The European Union as a customs union. C
  2. Sources of customs law and the relationship between EU and Polish law
  3. The customs territory of the European Union
  4. Goods within the meaning of customs law
  5. Customs status of goods
  6. Rules for determining the origin of goods
  7. E-customs procedures,
  8. e-Customs documentation,
  9. oline information about customs tariff,
  10. INTRASTAT system,
  11. AES/AIS systems,
  12. Electronic customs declarations (ECS, NCTS CELINA systems),
  13. ZEFIR 2 system,
  14. Reference data for other customs systems (PDR system).

Required textbooks:

  1. Gwardzińska E., Laszuk M., Masłowska M., Michalski R., Prawo celne (Custom law), Wolters Kluwer 2017.
  2. Skowrońska M., Znaczenie Karty Praw Podstawowych w postępowaniu celnym (The importance of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in customs proceedings), Przegląd Prawa Publicznego z 2018r. nr 5, s. 103-116.
  3. Piech K., Postępowanie w sprawach celnych. Nowa procedura czy powrót do kodeksu postępowania administracyjnego? (Proceedings in customs matters. New procedure or return to the Code of Administrative Procedure?), in: R. Dowgier, M. Popławski (eds.), Ordynacja podatkowa: zmiany w ogólnym postępowaniu podatkowym, Wydawnictwo Temida 2, 2016r., pp. 177-200,


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 7 eGovernment and its Implication for Data Privacy

Monika Skowrońska

6h Training course (workshops)


enhance/foster/develop enable students competence towards analysing the protection of personal data in the age of digitization of administration.

Objectives: students:

  • explanation of the basic concepts relating to the organization of the protection of personal data in EU and their significance in contemporary society and for the functioning of various institutions, e.g. for enterprises, public administration etc.;
  • transfer of knowledge about the personal data protection authorities with a particular emphasis on the role of the Polish President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the European Data Protection Supervisor and proposed in General Data Protection Regulation the cooperation and consistency mechanism;
  • acquisition of skills in the understanding and application of the legal regulations, and the solutions provided for in these regulations, relating to the protection of privacy or the processing of personal data in eGovernment.


  1. International, European and Polish legal regulations on the protection of personal data
  2. Terminology related to the protection of personal data
  3. General principles concerning the protection of personal data, i.a.: principles for the processing of personal data, protection and registration of personal data sets, rights of persons whose data are processed
  4. Organization of the protection of personal data in the European Union and in Poland
  5. European Data Protection Supervisor and the Assistant Supervisor
  6. Article 29 Data Protection Working Party
  7. National supervisory authorities

Required sources:

  1. Hoc S., Szewc T., Ochrona danych osobowych i informacji niejawnych [Protection of personal data and classified information], Warsaw, Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck, 2014
  2. Barta J., Fajgielski P., Markiewicz R., Ochrona danych osobowych : komentarz [Protection of personal data: a commentary], Warsaw, Wolters Kluwer Polska, 2011
  3. Nowakowski B., Jędruszczak A., Gałach A., Ochrona danych osobowych, informacji, niejawnych i systemów teleinformatycznych w sektorze publicznym [Protection of personal data, classified information and ITC systems in the public sector], Warsaw 2013.

Unit 8 E-mediation in administrative matters – early assessment of a case

Małgorzata Kożuch

6 h Training course (workshops)


enhance/foster/develop/enable students’ competence towards analysing the impact of new technologies on the mediation in administrative matters.

Objectives, students:

  • develop knowledge and understanding about the e-mediation in Poland and the European Union,
  • develop skills to use e-mediation in administrative matters,
  • value and appreciate the opportunity to use electronic means of communication during mediation in in administrative matters.


  1. Initial evaluation of a case
    1. Diagnosis – ability of a case to be mediated
    2. Structural dimension and subjects involved
    3. Formalities and appointment of a mediator
  2. Strategy and tactic
    1. division of responsibilities
    2. autopresentation and communication (verbal/written and non verbal)
    3. tactic of influence (domino tactic, blocking tactic, tactic of low and high aspiration, involvement of third party, authority from above)
  3. Impas in mediation and tools to overcome
    1. nature of impases
    2. deposition of parties, BATNA, WATNA, ZOPA, redefinition of intrests
    3. intervention of a mediator

Required textbooks:

  1. Kocot-Łaszczyca A., Łaszczyca G., Mediacja w ogólnym postępowaniu administracyjnym [Mediation in general administrative proceedings], Warsaw 2018.
  2. Goodman J.W., The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Dispute Resolution. An Assessment of Cyber-Mediation Web Sites, Journal of Internet Law, May 18, 2006.
  3. Wasylkowska-Michór M., Elektroniczna mediacja – mit czy rozwiązanie na przyszłość [Electronic mediation - a myth or solution for the future], Na Wokandzie No. 5, 2011.


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 9 Digitalisation of Administrative Proceedings

Monika Niedźwiedź

5h Lecture or distance learning course, 4h training course


enhance/foster/develop/enable students’ competence towards analysing the impact of new technologies on the Polish administrative proceedings.

Objectives, students:

  • develop knowledge and understanding about the challenging novelty amendments into Polish administrative proceeding regarding digitalisation resulting of common use of means of electronic communications in Poland in the context of EU law and the law of the MS of the EU (comparative perspective),
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the impact of the EU on development of digitalisation of administrative proceedings in Poland,
  • develop skills to communicate understanding of the functioning of digitalised administrative proceedings,
  • value and appreciate the opportunity to use electronic means of communication during administrative proceedings.


  1. Historical overview.
  2. Provisions on administrative proceedings and proceeding before administrative courts requiring use of electronic means and digital content (i.e. with regard to electronic identification, electronic documents and digital post).
  3. Digital environment necessary for the use of digital instruments (ePUAP).
  4. Comparative analysis with regard to functioning of e-administration at the EU level and in the law of some of the MS.

Required textbooks:

  1. Filipowicz T., Stawiarz M., Elektronizacja postępowania administracyjnego – sądownictwo administracyjne 2.0, [Digitization of administrative proceedings - administrative judiciary 2.0], Wolters Kluwer, Lex 2019/el.
  2. Zakres stosowania środków komunikacji elektronicznej w postępowaniu administracyjnym [The scope of using electronic means of communication in administrative proceedings], Kotulska M., Samorząd Terytorialny 2015, No. 7-8.
  3. Sibiga G., Komunikacja elektroniczna w kodeksie postępowania administracyjnego. Komentarz [Electronic communication in the administrative procedure code. Commentary], Warszawa 2011, p. 55-58.


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 10 eGovernment supporting the European Single Market

Łukasz Kozera

6 h Training course (workshops)


enhance/foster/develop/enable students’ competence towards analysing the impact of eGovernment on the mobility of businesses within the EU.

Objectives, students:

  • develop knowledge and understanding about the take up and pursue activities as a self-employed person and to set up and manage undertakings within the EU,
  • develop skills to use electronic means of communication with administration during the take up and pursue of businesses activities,
  • value and appreciate the opportunity to use electronic means of communication with administration during the take up and pursue of businesses activities.


  1. Simplified online business registration procedures and the electronic filing of company documents and information
  2. Internet banking as a door to e-government
  3. Electronic platforms for recording and monitoring of transport services and movement of goods, transport e-documents
  4. Electronic access to the services of tax and customs offices, border guards and courts.
  5. Online information systems for entrepreneurs (insolvency registers, bankruptcy proceedings, registers of final beneficiaries)

Required textbooks:

  1. Talar S., Kos-Łabędowicz J., Internet w działalności polskich przedsiębiorstw [Internet Applications in Functioning of Polish Enterprises ], Studia Ekonomiczne No. 2014 (184), p. 134-152.
  2. Ganczar M., Działalność gospodarcza w dobie informatyzacji administracji publicznej [Economic Activity in the Times of Informatization of the Public Administration], Annales : etyka w życiu gospodarczym, No. 2007 (10).


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis and case study (for pass grade at least one text or case study)

Unit 11 E-administration – information and communication technologies, economy and public governance

Renata Śliwa

5h Lecture or Distance learning course, 4h Training course


enhance student’s competence towards analyzing the role of ICT advancements in the development of e-administration

Objectives: students:

  • develop knowledge and understanding about the economic rationale to incorporate ICT into public administration frameworks,
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the role of particular cases contributing to the ICT implementation in public administration,
  • develop skills to undertake thorough analysis of selected cases concerning public administration in terms of ICT tools usage,
  • develop skills to communicate understanding of particular actions of European integrated administration and their economic, institutional and social consequences,
  • value and appreciate the opportunity to contribute and share one’s own perspective on the EU angle in the domain of e-administration


  1. Critical role of ICT implantation in the EU economies;
  2. Economic and social rationale for using ICT technology in public administration governance;
  3. The critical role of ICT usage in public administration across the EU and Poland
  4. The areas of public and private cooperation in the domain of e-administration – transaction cost approach
  5. Case studies presenting the alteration of transaction costs as the consequence of ICT support in public administration

Required textbooks:

  1. Brown D., Electronic Government and Public Administration, International Review of Administrative Sciences 2005, 71(2), p. 241-254.
  2. Twizeyimana J. D., Anderson A., The public value of E-Government – A literature review, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 36, issue 2, 2019, p. 167-178.
  3. ICT and Governance, The World Bank, New-Economy Sector Study, Electronic Government and Governance, Washington 2002.
  4. Digital Governance Projects Database, The World Bank,
  6. Sèna Kimm Gnangnon. Essays on Fiscal Policy in OECD and developing countries. Economies and finances. Université d’Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I, 2014.
  7. Information Technology in Tax Administration in Developing Countries, KfW Development Bank , Bonn 2015.
  8. The Economic Impact of ICT. Measurement, evidence and implications, OECD 2004.
  9. The Impact of Broadband on the Economy: Research to Date and Policy Issues, ITU, April 2012
  10. DESI Composite Index


  1. Pre-test and post-test verification of knowledge (pass grade from minimum 60%)
  2. Text analysis (for pass grade at least one text) and case study

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