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Jean Monnet Module

E-administracja - europejskie wyzwania dla administracji publicznej w państwach członkowskich UE i krajach partnerskich

eGovernment - European Challenges for Public Administration in EU Member States and Partner Countries

Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Chair of European Law

in cooperation with
Pedagogical University of Cracow
Institute of Law and Economics

invites you to participate in the international conference

eGovernment. Effective, Accountable and Open Public Administration in the European Union

12-13 May, 2021

Aim and themes:

The aim of the Conference is to analyse the implementation and functioning of eGovernment in Poland and Europe, with particular emphasis on the impact of digitalisation on openness, accountability, rationality and efficiency of public administration. The process of transformation of administration under the influence of information and communication technologies brings not only benefits but also risks. The conference is devoted to both aspects. The planned subject of discussion is the analysis and evaluation of legal, social, political and economic bases of eGovernment and conditions of its development. As the Polish public administration functions in the European administrative space, the scientific reflection on the eGovernment issues in EU and other European countries, including the countries of Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans, is also required. The issue of using electronic tools within the framework of cooperation between national and European administration will also be discussed.

The conference has an interdisciplinary character including such fields as: law, economics, science of administration, management, history of administrative law and administration.
The eGovernment will be analysed in terms of: current changes and trends in Polish and European administrative law; organization and management in public administration; the concepts, priorities and activities of the public authorities; relations between representatives of public administration and citizens; historical and socio-political conditions of changes in public administration resulting from its digitalisation.


  1. eGovernment - definition and the basis of operation

    Search for a definition; comparison with eGovernance; models of implementation
    and operation of eGovernment; legal, social, political and economic foundations
    of eGovernment; infrastructural and human resources; possibilities for storage and use
    of data; implementation of eGovernment projects; planning of the eGovernment development.

  2. eGovernment as a catalyst for public administration transformation

    The impact of eGovernment on: increasing the transparency of the decision-making process; simplifying the administrative procedure; making the administration more accountable
    for its decisions; facilitating relations between stakeholders and the public administration; increasing the efficiency of public administration bodies and the effectiveness
    of the allocation of public funds.

  3. E-government and cross-border cooperation of public administrations

    The possibilities offered by eGovernment to provide cross-border public sector services
    to citizens and businesses in Europe; developing and facilitating the cooperation of public administrations between the various European countries through the use of information
    and communication technologies.

  4. eGovernment as a factor for increasing potential of public administration in various European countries

    Modernisation of national public administration resulting from the use of the information
    and communication technologies in Poland and other EU countries as well as the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkan countries.

II. Organisation of the Conference

  1. The Conference will be organised online via meeting platform

  2. Applications for participation in the Conference and a short abstract (about 200 words) should be sent no later than 15 March 2021 by filling in the application form.

    The Organising Committee will notify the acceptance of the contribution by e-mail. In case of a large number of submissions, the organisers reserve the right to select the contributions. The authors will be informed by 31 March 2021 about the acceptance of the contributions for oral presentation. The written outlines to be published on the Conference website should be sent by 5 May 2021 to the following e-mail address:

    It is possible to apply for participation in the Conference without a contribution.

  3. The organisers intend to publish post-conference articles in a monograph in a scoring publication. The article will be submitted for publication after receiving two positive reviews. Articles should be submitted by 31 August 2021 to the following e-mail address:

  4. The estimated time for presenting the contribution at the Conference is 15 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion.

With kind regards and sincere greetings
on behalf of the Organising Committee

dr hab. Inga Kawka


The Organising Committee:

Dr hab. Inga Kawka (Organizing Committee Chair)

Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Dudzik

Prof. UP dr hab. Kazimiera Juszka

Dr hab. Monika Niedźwiedź

Dr Monika Kawczyńska

Dr Łukasz Kozera

Dr Małgorzata Kożuch

Dr Monika Skowrońska

Dr Aleksandra Sołtysińska

Dr Renata Śliwa

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