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Dr hab. Monika Niedźwiedź

Educational background

1999 – master of law, Jagiellonian University

2000, Feb-Jun, Course on EU law at T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague, Netherlands

2003 – PhD degree, specialisation: European law

2018 – habilitation, specialisation European law

Work experience

Since 1st October 2004 I have been employed at the Chair of European Law at the Jagiellonian University. I teach “European law” (lecture for the students of administration) and classes in “Constitutional law of the European Union” (for law students).

I delivered lecture on Europeanisation of Polish administrative law – questions of effective judicial protection” within the framework of the Hague Summer School “European administrative law and the Member States” organized by the Leiden University, 26-30 June 2017 or "Model V of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the European Union - Mutual Assistance - introductory remarks and remarks de lege ferenda" delivered at the conference "Model of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the EU - Polish perspective", 22 April 2016, University of Wrocław.

I delivered a course on European private law within China-EU School of law in November 2019


  1. External relations of the European Union in a Draft of the Constitutional Treaty [in:] C. Mik (ed.) The European Union in the reform era, European Convent, Constitutional Treaty and the Commission’s White Paper on the European governance, Toruń 2004 r., s. 303-322.
  2. International mixed agreements in the Ligot of EC law, Wydawnictwo Prawo i Praktyka Gospodarcza, Warszawa 2004, ss. 264.
  3. Free movement of cultural goods – implications for Poland, Kultura Współczesna nr 2 (40) 2004, s. 120-139.
  4. Application of EC law by public administrative authorities – selected issues, Casus nr 32 z 2004 r., s. 6-11.
  5. The role of EU agencies in the institutional framework of the European Union in the Ligot of the Constitutional Treaty of the European Union [in:] S.Dudzik (ed.) Constitution for Europe. The future foundation of the European Union, Kraków, 2005, s. 301-320.
  6. External Relations of the EU and the Member States: Competence, Mixed Agreements, International Responsibility and Effects of International Law. – FIDE 2006, National Reports, X. L. Xenopoulos (Ed.) National Report for Poland, Nicosia 2006.
  7. More coherence in European Union’s foreign policy? Remarks on the Lisbon Treaty [w:] L. Jesień (red.) European Union Policies in the Making, Kraków, 2008, s.123-142.
  8. The third country citizens’ right to enter and stay of the EU territory as members of EU citizen’s family in the Light of the recent jurisprudence and legislative proposals [in:] S. Biernat, S. Dudzik (ed.), The free movement of persons and providing of services in the European Union. New phenomena and tendencies, Warszawa 2009, s. 87-118.
  9. The Charter of Fundamental Rights and the concept of new governance in the European Union [in :] A.Wróbel (ed.) The Charter of Fundamental Rights in European and national legal order, Warszawa 2009, s. 65-81.
  10. International mixed agreements and the new member states of the European Union. Identifying some practical problems, [w:] The Role of International Law and European law in the 21st century in V4 countries, Trnava 2009, ISBN 978-80-8082-258-3, ss. 11.
  11. The responsibility of the member states for breach of EC international agreements – remarks in the light of jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union [in:] A. Kozłowski, B. Mielnik (ed.) International responsibility as an element of legal order, Wrocław 2009, s. 117-139.
  12. European Community as a party to international agreements. Remarks in the light of the ECJ’s opinion 1/03, together with P. Mostowik, Problemy Współczesnego Prawa Międzynarodowego Europejskiego i Porównawczego, vol. VII, 2009, z. 1, s. 71-101.
  13. On the right to good administration – between the European standard and national tradition and on the notion of „the party” in administrative proceedings in the light of incorrect implementation of the directive 85/337 – voice in a discussion [w:] K. Sieniawska (ed.), Local-government Appeal Boards as a guarantor of the right to good administration, Warszawa 2009, s. 292-305.
  14. Implications of the ECJ’s Lugano II opinion for European Union’s External Actions Concerning Private International Law together with z P. Mostowik, Yearbook of Polish European Studies vol. 13, 2010, s. 129-148.
  15. The functioning of the local-government appeal boards and the Polish membership in the European Union, Casus z 2011, nr 60, s. 5-14.
  16. Commentary to art. 300-307 and 311of the Treaty establishing the European Community [in:] A. Wróbel (ed.)Commentary to the Treaty establishing the European Community s. 961-1039 and s. 1111, Warszawa, 2009.
  17. Joint Competence of the EC and its Member States as a Source of Divergent Interpretations of the TRIPS Agreement at Community and national Levels [in:] J. Jemielniak, P. Mikłaszewicz (ed.) Interpretation of Law in the Global World: From Particularism to a Universal Approach, Berlin-Heidelberg 2010, s. 167-181.
  18. Commentary to art. 205 oraz art. 215 and 218 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union [in:] A. Wróbel (ed.) Commentary to the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union, Vol. II ed. K. Kowalik –Bańczyk, M. Szwarc-Kuczer, s. 1427-1436 and 1558-1614, Warszawa 2012.
  19. The significance of the international and EU law for administrative law and public administration in the light of the Polish Constitution, together with S. Biernat [w:] R. Hauser, Z. Niewiadomski, A. Wróbel (ed.) The system of administrative law, vol. 2, Constitutional foundations of the functioning of public administration, s. 89-124.
  20. Administrative execution of EU law, [in:] R. Hauser, Z. Niewiadomski, A. Wróbel (ed.)The System of administrative law, vol. 3, Europeanisation of administrative law, Warszawa 2014, s. 121-180.
  21. The Amendments to the law on administrative proceedings and execution proceedings [in:] R. Hauser, Z. Niewiadomski, A. Wróbel (ed.) The System of administrative law, vol. 3, Europeanisation of administrative law , Warszawa 2014, s. 743 – 784.
  22. The legal protection in the area of common foreign and security policy of the EU: remarks in the light of the ECJ’s opinion 2/13 of 18 December 2014 (part I), Europejski Przegląd Sądowy, 2015, nr 8, s. 4-11.
  23. The legal protection in the area of common foreign and security policy of the EU: remarks in the light of the ECJ’s opinion 2/13 of 18 December 2014 (part II), Europejski Przegląd Sądowy, 2015, nr 9, s. 14-19.
  24. Book V of the model rules on administrative proceedings in the European Union – Mutual assistance – introductory remarks and remarks de lege ferenda, [in:] J. Supernat, B. Kowalczyk (ed.) The Code of Administrative Proceedings in the European Union, Warszawa 2017, s. 393-403.
  25. Restrictions on the internet access to pornography in the interest of children – legal issues from the perspective of EU law, Problemy Współczesnego Prawa Międzynarodowego Europejskiego i Porównawczego, vol. XV, 2017, s. 98-115.
  26. Rulemaking in multicentric legal order – conflict or coexistence of values? [in:] J. Zimmermann (ed.)Axiology of administrative law, vol. 1, Warszawa 2017, s. 377-392.
  27. International legal assistance in administrative matters in the light of EU law, Warszawa 2017.

​Additional information

I am a member of the Editor Board of the nationwide quartley “CASUS” and Forum Prawnicze (Legal Forum)

I participated in the preparation of an expert opinion for public authorities on the competence of the European Union and the Member States to conclude international agreements with third countries on international legal assistance and on the ratification of mixed agreements of 20 VI 2008 (ordered by UKIE, prepared in cooperation with P. Mostowik).

As from 1999 I am a member of Self-Government Appeal Board in Krakow, an administrative authority hearing appeals from administrative decisions

I was awarded III Prize of the Foundation of Promotion of European Law for doctoral dissertation “International mixed agreements in the light of EC law”

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